Friday, 18 June 2010

My Eeepc900

I have been a bit unsatisfied with my notebook recently. So I bought a memory card with 16G to try and install another distro. I have gone back to Xandros for various reasons and wanted to get back to Ubuntu. I had two attempt to make it dual boot and both failed.

So I then installed Ubunto 9.10 and immediately upgraded it to 9.20. It seemed excellent and I noticed that the grub file picked up the new 16Gb memory card.

I was temped io install something else but decided to stay with a single boot and try things out on Ubuntu first.

Eldy works fine on XP, I had some problems with linux since it found the Italian version and not being fluent in Italian decided to abandon that for the moment. I have made a few friends on Eldy and chat to them when I can.

We had the Club open Day last Thursday and 2 ladies came from the Pulborough club. I demonstrated Eldy to them and they will take the message back to Jim Noble who is their teacher.

Ekiga still works fine on Fedora, I spoke with Brian the other day. Sadly he had been burgled and lost all his woodcarving tools!

I might have gone to the Surrey LUG BBQ tomorrow but could not find out where it is being held.

That is enough for now!

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