Uncle Bill was an Inspector of Police at Bridgend. He moved there from Penarth. Instead of a Police Station with law court, house and vast garden, tended by those in jail, he had a small house on Merthyr Mawr Road. He had a chauffeur, first Merrick ex guardsman then Jones. We often went on picnics to the sea side at Scare Bay. I have a picture of Merrick with busby and one of he and me in swimming togs on the beach at Porthcawl.
Our milkman was a real character, sometimes he would take my brother and I to Marcross in his delivery van, where he had a pub, the Horseshoes Inn. The van stank of spilt milk, rather a similar smell to vomit! They would feed us well and sometimes we were slightly ill afterwards, too much lemonade or ginger beer. He loved us to put the gloves on and fight each other, rather unfair as David was 2 years my elder! The adjacent farm was Tynacyia, run by Dai Evans. We often went for the day with all the family. May and Ann and a son David were there too. My brother kept up with them almost until he died. I once went for a week haymaking, it was a very hard slog. On Sundays the pubs were all shut. However the drill was to knock at the back door, and when allowed in you ordered your drink in the parlour and even the local bobby was there!
There was an amusing story told me by Ann. They all went to church on Sundays.On one memorable occasion someone broke wind rather loudly, they were all quite embarrassed and someone started laughing, they were unable to control themselves and all fell about laughing and walked out! I am not sure whether they went back next Sunday or not!
There was a derelect steam roller in one of the barns, It gave us boys great pleasure in climbing all over it! The farm was fun.
They used to feed us magnificently, lunch and then tea, goog homemade fare, jam and cream too!
Dai was in trouble with the law at one time, He caught a mushoom stealer, the victim offered him his dog in recompense but as he walked away he whistled to the dog to come back to him. Dai was annoyed greatly and drawing his knife cut it's throat!
This is probably where the poem came from.. Someone telling a tale:-
Dai Jones bought a boat..
reply... sold his coat?..
no no ...bought a boat..
reply...cut his throat?
ay ay...cut it from ear to ear..
reply...shaving I spose?
Years later, Ursula and I went to Marcross for a holiday, staying in the simple b and b near the beach and having Uncle Charlie come over for lunch. We saw Ann and May again and even went to the big Manor House where Dai and his wife had moved to,at a place called Llanmihaqngel. Royalty were supposed to have slept there in bygone days! A wonderful old mansion. It is still there and it is a b&b now!
Dai advised Ursula always to sit in the front seat of a bus to avoid being upset by the motion! Then to move wiith the bus as it went round corners. Sadly Dai fell off a haystack one day, came into the house and died!
Here is a picture of the family from those times.
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Love it! Keep it coming!
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