Sunday, 21 September 2008

Another wedding!

We were invited by Wilma to help us attend Michael Witt's wedding which was to be at St. Barnabas, Northolt. It was a very comprehensive wedding with Nuptial Mass. Many people attended and then went on to the reception at a Golf Centre in Ruislip. It was a hearty affair with rather too loud "music" later on. Ursula and I had eventually to try to hide from the sound! Nigel was there and this time he was actually wearing his old school tie. Sadly I was wearing my tie from the People's Republic of China. I had the old school tie at Wilma's but wore it the day before!

Paul drove us from Wilma's house and back. We may have persuaded him to cut short his enjoyment of the young people's music and boom-boom-boom!

I cut some of Wilma's grass on Friday night, but the back lawn defeated me on Saturday as it was long and wet. I was saved by Hugh's arrival to borrow the mower so didn't have to clean it up.

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