Thursday, 14 January 2010

Thusday 14th January!

Happy birthday to my eldest daughter Christina in Peterorough! She is taking the day off to celebrate the day. Ihope that our card arrved in time.

At the East Preston computer club today, simply ecause the thaw has started and it was easy to walk here. Paul is giving a talk on Excel, a data base program. I am at the back of the hall and cannot read what appeas on the screen.

I am running "Mint" on my eeepc900 as Uuntu 9.10 began to suffer I think from a virus! It manifested itself on the wireless connection, the applet began playing up. After several days of research I put Mint on and it all seemed good.

I tried Mandriva and Fedora both were fine, fedora had abbi word which I am not fond of.