Monday, 16 February 2009

Monday 16th February

With some help from Peter Dodd I came back on to 2 m and 70 cm with my amateur radio gear. I use a simple home made aerial that I can quickly transform from one band to another. I heard the Worthing net tonight and came in just at the end to get a signal report from Roy.
So getting back to my old tricks?

G0LOF.....alias Frank

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Saturday 7th February

I have just started a new website...
You might lke to look at it. The reason was to see how talktalk could be persaded to give me one.
I have tried for so long to get help from them and at last sorted it out. They give you 15 Mb of space.

I only used linux programs to write a page and to upload it. I have messed about a lot and almost screwed up the whole thing today. I constructed an alternative site but found that I couldn't get rid of the old data, so had to go back to it.

Anyway we will see how it goes on. Well I had to change the address from fhj17 to fhj16, but that seems to have been done now, so try it out!